Wednesday 8 November 2017

The English

Hello my friends and welcome to Ivan’s blog today I am going to talk about my experience learn English at university, how I learn in my house and other places,

Well… for me has been nice, in the classroom, i learn new words, new phrases and improve my pronunciation, is like a seminary in where I can, mainly, answer my questions
Another important point is the use of blogs, I think that it so important, and helps us a lot for improving fluency and our creativity. Is a wonderful way to improve English with themes that are chosen for voting, that means that probably it likes us (but not always haha).

I remember that at the school I hated English because my teacher was very bored (of our existing, or I think that)… but when I went out of the school I begin to search some documents, but everything was in Spanish!, so I said, English come here! And in this moment I started my learning. (or in other words, in this moment the English call my attention)

I think that my principal weakness is talking and learn more words,  I do this in “duo lingo” an application very interesting for learning English when you are in anywhere with your phone. I also try to practice English with my best friend, with him I talk and comment our day in English, I feel that helps us a lot because we try to keep our conversation the best we can.

Another point is the types of English, I grew up with the English of the United States or the UK because are the most known, but if we talk about the English I can’t think in Scottish because is phrases are so different to English of UK or United States.

Here I let an example:

"Haud yer wheesht!"
Okay, you may need a little help with this one though. English translation is "Hold your tongue" or "Be quiet!". Strangely enough, I didn't hear this one too much. Of course, the fact that Nanas' hearing wasn't good may have been a factor there.
Image result for scottish

I saw that and said, that should be other idiom but not English hahaha.
Scotland is a country that is part of the United Kingdom and covers the northern third of the island of Great Britain, that means… they are so close! how is happened?
I hope to learn this type of English anyway, but I feel that this will be hard to me.
This is all my friend, bye!

Thursday 2 November 2017

In my point of view... the programme study

Hello everyone and welcome to Ivan’s  blog,  today i would like to share my point of view about my career and my faculty, I will write about the changes that I could make to my study programme, some suggestions and personal opinions.

well, I am in the second semester of pharmacy career, I have 8 subjects, 7 of my career and 1 CFG, (and its name is modern physics), for the moment I feel so good, but if we talk about the workload, I would like to have more time for to do sports, but I think that it is simply because I still don´t organized me good. 
 Image result for calisthenics

One of things that i would change to my faculty is that it doesn't have a place for to do a workout calisthenic! , for my this theme is very important because we need to do sport or something that involve moving our body hahaha or for example that in anywhere, we could have a table for play table tennis, is a wonderful sport and very simply to play, (there is in the odontology faculty but I want to have one for me, for my faculty!)
 Image result for table tennis tables

If we talk about the infrastructure I think that is pretty cozy, in my point of view is enough.

The teachers and the classrooms are very good; I feel that our professors have a good teaching method. Because a understand them haha (sometimes) but always there is people that don't want to teach, hopefully that it changes.

thanks for reading, bye!

Wednesday 25 October 2017

my summer holidays

Image result for torres del paine

Hello en welcome to Ivan’s blog, in this blog I would like to talk about my summer holidays, the places that I want to visit, the things that I want to buy etc… I hope that you enjoy my blog.
This summer I had thought to go to “Paine towers” with my girlfriend and our friends, Since March that we are preparing it and we already have everythings ready, or that seems haha, but this will not be the first that I do, because then this year I need arrived to my home and sleep for 4 days, maybe one week, perhaps read some books share with my family, among other things. Then, when I recuperate all my energies, go out, go out and discovered new places, look at new sport, maybe a new hobby, and mainly find me with myself. Also I would like to visit Chile and search for all the member of my family in Chile, always there is someone that you don´t know, and is of your blood!  I would like a “mochileo” and rest in their houses (the house of my unknown family).also I would like visit some country but I feel that Chile has a lot of things for discover…
If I could to change something it would be visit my family, but sound most reasonable simply to go to the paine towers haha. I already buy the tickets so… there´s nothing that I can to do now, just go and enjoy my summer holidays.

Saturday 14 October 2017

you already know, everything change and all we call good, soon it will destroy our lifes.

Hi today i am going to talk about the drugs of abuse, both in my family as in general aspects.

A member of my family has been submitted to a tratament of anxiety and depression, and everyday consumes pills, anxiolytics as the diazepan clonazepan. I feel that this to long-term could to do very bad, if we talk about drugs, in my point of view,
to abused the pills could be fatal, because has a lot of contraindicatios that could bring other ills,  and the worst is that the society believe that they going to the right way and this scare me,

In the country could had a lor of things that in future years it will be call drugs or cancerin agents, as smoke, I remmeber when I read a articule about the cigarrete, I was shocked when readed that was utilized  for relax, sometimes it is recommende by the doctors, but this only because they don´t knew weel its efects in the human body, I hope that this don´t pass with the gamma of medicaments.

if we talk about drugs and its efects I would like related how a simple pill of anxiety( and its wrong used, as on all drugs actually) can bring the same problems that the marihuana or alcohol.

in my near family my mother has a addicion to cola drink, she drinks everday, all day, because she has a disease callled "anxiety generalizaded",on the other hand, in my house nobody smoke,and me neither,

there is many dangers in the used of the drugs, but everythings are dangerous  if fall in the wrong hands, this addiction sometimes finished with the kids, with their future.

we already know that are very addictives maybe  because produce a sensation very comfortable( as the heroin) and then you real life seems a real shit, or simply for find a little of entertainment.

if you consume alcohol, for example you will feel very silliness and with slurred speech, sometimes with blurred vision, you can to do a lot of things very interesting because are new sensations, but if you do with frecuency, could become to alcoholic and that is very dangerous.
but for share and entretainment with your friends could be nicely, but always carefuly.

Image result for aspartame

Wednesday 4 October 2017

my post-grade someone knows that will pass with our lives?

Hello, today I will talk about something, that it will happen in 5 years or more, but an very important theme I talk about the post-grade studies! are very interesting for me and I would like to share that I think about of this with you,

Well, if I want a doctor's degree, my answer is Yes because, in my point of view, a real professional is that that is capacited on investigation and that they can resolved the problems that present to them, any problem.

I want to study a lot of subjects, for example "advanced molecular pharmacology" that sound very nice, and it seems like a degree about to discovered things that could be a help to the world.

I want to discover something that can help the country advanceding in the scientist world, I think that the main proposal of the human is contribute to the world of someway, and if I like the science, can help while I do that I like, and this is my motivation to continue my studies after my pre-grade.

If we talk about where I could study my doctor's degree, I will tell you without doubt, in Unites States of America, because it's the business world, where I could do a lot of things.

we already know, if I have a job,I am could to study without worrying about the money (obviously I want to be comfortable living but always thinking first and foremost). something productive with this capital.
I would like to study in a part time course, acquire experience about my career in different industries, acquire empiric knowledge and become a full professional.

Image result for doctorado

Sunday 1 October 2017

I dont really know

I'm 21 and I feel too young for choosing a job, but too old for not choosing. I'm not sure of anything right now but I know that I always liked helping people, searching and discovering new things, or just pretending that I'm doing it...

I imagine myself being a teacher and research scientist, I always liked the teaching and shareing the knowledge with others, showing them how easy and beautiful science is.
And I would love being a scientist and do some research about medical conditions, maybe find the cure for degenerative diseases like huntington or ELA, I'm such a dreamer haha.

I would like working for a big pharmaceutical laboratory and deliver some medicines for TB to the African and Asian continent for free, because in this continents dies about 1,5 millions of people just for the reason that they can't pay for the treatment.
So, yes, I would love travel around the world, I would hate stay in just one place for all my life.

I like working as indoor as outdoor, I believe that both have advantages and disadvantages.

I don't care about the money, i just wanna live well, eat well and to have the enough money for being helpful for the society.

Image result for pastillas
I love the chemistry but I love the biology too, and medicine of course... so, I think that I would like to do a magister in genetic in this university, because it's so interesting for me how a gen can change everything, causing diseases, altering the phenotype and, even, killing someone after a while living with some medical disorder.

Maybe tomorrow I will change my mind of all that I want right now, maybe I will give up with all this "dreams" and aspirations, and even maybe, I will be successful, who really knows?

Friday 29 September 2017

my hobby

Hi again, in this blog I will be talking about my favorite hobby, so… let´s go

A hobby for me is an activity in which I can relax, let go the stress and the unhappiness, in where a human can dedicated his time in something that doesn't have to be necessarfully "useful"  it meaning that you don't need earn money with it, only care of our happyness.

when I was a child I liked ride my bicycle, and travel for the city in search the best place for rest and contemplated the landscape, but this changed when I known the uncle's hobby.
My favorite hobby turned in to climb the hills in the "cajon del maipo"  this is an amazing sport and very complete, it have everything that I can ask, beautiful views, a long travel, and much physical effort.

I began with it already 3 years ago, when my uncle invited me to the “cajón del maipo” and showed me his hobby, climb the hills, see the landscapes, discovered new places, he showed his world, and since that moment I have this hobby.

Image result for escalar
I would like in the near future travel around of chile searching for the best mountain and climb it. but for this I need first to learn how to climb longer hills without to dead trying it haha.

Tuesday 12 September 2017

Just see

Image result for eyes

hello everyone, welcome to ivan´s blog

Today i am goint to talk about my favorite organ, i know that this kind of things are so strange, but i dont have anything to do because my teacher say me, you have to this, do you hear me idiot ?

My favorite organ are the eyes, (these are organ of the visual system) they play a vital rol for the humans because are part of our senses( and for me the fisrt one among the others),because  the sight is the best ( for me) way to interpret the world and help us for to fit in the ecosystem.

 In a point of view scientist, the eyes are a system based in the light and its interpretation , our eyes traduced these lights tranform it to electric nerve impulses, that then they will arrive to the brain for to be decoded, giving us a interpreteation about the world.

Schematic diagram of the human eye en.svg
Diagram of the human eyes 

the eyes are composed mainly by water that is inside your retina called aqueous humor the iris have the color and the pupil is the entry of the light.

they are in your face, in top your nose, has a diameter approx of 2,5 mm, a common disease is the diabetes, it could do that you lose this wonderful sense.

Since I was a child that I liked to see landscapes,it  many times helped me to understand  to myself, the power os sight for apreciative the nature and our environment is something unmatched.

" the eyes are the door to our souls" becouse everytime you sense something, anything, are the eyes which shows your emotions, these emotions so deep in yourself, even if you want hide it.

Image result for eyes hd compilation  you must care their eyes, they are more fragile of that they seem it.

thanks for you watching

Thursday 7 September 2017

my best holidays!! for the moment

Hi today i`m going to talk about my holidays, my best holydays

they were the summer 2016/17, with my best friends, we went to Tongoy, la serena, also went to the "Tulahuen" a town that is very near to the argentina, was a exotic experience, I knew a lot of places, a lot of people, went to casinos, rented a house, also we camped, they went the best because were a very complete holidays,
Image result for tulahuenit was a oasis inside the desert mountains

when we went to tongoy rented a house close to the beach for a week, then, when we went to " La serena", we walk out  for to know every place of there, every bar, every beach, etc
then,we said, we should to do somethings more... hard but like what?
and a friend called joaquin said us, go to the tulahuen, a town almost in the mountain that is near to the argentina..

here, desert mountains 

we take a bus and we arrived but we wanted more far, we search for a person that can help us, a town person that had a car and understand our idea, "let us so far away as you can" we said.

we camped during three days but these was etern, haha well, wonderful holidays. every moment was a dare to our customs, all was different and challenging.

I hope the next vacations are better!

Wednesday 30 August 2017

Republic of china, a world of beauty

Hello, this is my first blog… of this semester, today I am going to talk about my “favorite country”, and here we go!

When I was a child, I went in a very peculiar school, because in my class had a lot of people that belong different countries, I had a Chinese friend and other Korean, they always talk me about their countries and it was very interesting for me, that’s why I chose “China”, I have wanted to visit China since I met him. Hopefully in a near future.

China has a lot of wonderful monuments, I would visit The Great Wall of China at Jinshanling because its architecture and history are amazing.
Resultado de imagen para the great china wall

Also my friend talk me about the casinos in a province of china, he said that it was beautiful and very striking
Resultado de imagen para casinos in china

Other important point is the panda bear, an animal that has a lot of fame around of all the world, and he lives in china!

Imagen relacionada
If I had the opportunity for go with my friend I would do it very happy, but in the long run because want to learn a little of its language before I go there. Then to start an intensive course for to learn more about this beautiful culture.

Thursday 6 July 2017

The last blog

Hi everyone and good bye, this is my last blog and today i am going to talk about my experience with the blogs also I will comment about as felt and what i would like to do in the future in the blogs. I hope you like

well... when I started with this i believed that would be  bored and weird but while passed the blogs, it seemed entertainented, because I with these could know to the classmates, about his styles of life about his lifes outside the career and mainly , outside the university, in his "natural habitad"

I feel that my writting skills have developed to much, I have learnt a lot of words and sentences, also i feel that is like facebook, like a "what do you think about this", in a way very subjetive and didactic of learn.

in the future i would like to writte about contingency themes, about the presidencial candidates or about the football selection or anything that happen in our contry, in this way we could keep informated while learn english.

The blogs are funny and i would like to continue with these, it`s something new and entertainmented, hopefully that the blogs continue in english 4.

Saturday 17 June 2017


Hello everyone, again! I study in the faculty of the chemistry sciences and pharmacy of the university of Chile, being this my first year! Well...
 Today I’m going to talk about my favorite subject in this semester (also my first semester), it is mechanics!
I have six subject, but I choose mechanics  for a simple reason, it’s a subject that I don't knew in the school haha, it was because I didn't like it, but, maybe was because I didn't understand it, but now, in the university of Chile, I believe.. I feel that I start to learn.

In class we are constantly doing analysis of the problems about mechanics about the Part of the physics that studies the movement and the balance of the bodies, as well as of the forces that produce them; something that in my school didn't exist D:  Now I feel that everything make sense, I had a lot of empty in my mind about the physical science.

Also work in laboratories, where we explain about a theme scientist, as free fall, pendulum, momentum, etc. I like it main for his diversity to the hour to learn, it's everywhere!

Resultado de imagen para mecanica fisica

The father of the modern medicine

Today I’m going to talk about Alexander Fleming
Alexander Fleming was born on August 6, 1881 in Lochfield, Great Britain and Died in London on March 11, 1955.He was an important person in the world of health sciences, Fleming's professional career was devoted to researching the human body's defenses against bacterial infections. Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin and his effect as antibiotic. Comes from a fungus later identified as the "Penicillium notatum".
 He with other scientist (called chain and florey) shared the Nobel award for his discovered.

He likes me because for his discovered, it was an important change in the world, mainly in the Second World War, because it saved a lot of lifes.
A lot of wounded military were helped thanks to him.
Since then it has been used with great effectiveness in the treatment against a lot of infectious germs, in this sense, it has been extremely useful to combat diseases like gonorrhea and syphilis.  

It is the beginning of all antibiotics!, the father of modern medicine.

Friday 26 May 2017

my favorite book/movie

Today I talk about my favorite movie, in spide of that I don´t like the movies hahah

Well… my favorite movie is “the perfume” because it´s book it´s wonderful the same that the movie, and unlike other movies, it if looks like myself imagine the book when I read it.

Is a dramatic film directed by Tom Tykwer and released in 2006. The drama is based on the novel by the same name by Patrick Süskind.  His genre is completely drama and suspense!

The movie is about an assassin, he has an obsession the protagonist for the smell of the people, everything’s about the woman smells that is why  he kill everybody that have a “especial essence”

Friday 19 May 2017

The picture!

Hello everyone, welcome to my blog
Today I am going to talk about my favorite picture

                                                           Which is this!

 This is my favorite picture because it shows to my friends and me in the last summer, when we went to “la serena” and went through around all province, was wonderful to be with them and that did it.
Was the best vacations for me, first rent the house in “tongoy” for 1 week, and then went to “la serena” and get inside the casino, then went to “Tulahuen” (a town to 20 km of Argentina), to camp for 3 days for play “to survive”, but we can´t do it, only 2 days hahaha, then when come back to our homes we were so tired, but with much happiness, because were the best vacations of summer in my life

                                                  Matias as "matimatito"
esperanza as "raven"
juan as "juanpolilla"
catalina as "gabriela mistral"
carla as"CSM"
and I as" ivy"

 I don’t know, I don’t remember who took it, but I know that was an important person for me, maybe a tourist or an X guy or someone else haha.

Friday 12 May 2017

ode to music

Hi again! Today I am going to talk about the music
For my the music is a wonderful way to show your emotions and the core of yourself
I hear everyday music for try to feel that the author put in words,
Always will have a song for you, a song that connect yourself with the around or otherwise, that you forget it
I don´t have a style definite or a kind of music, because each composer live and feel different,
And I believe that it´s is most important, read into the author, more that the song.
I will finish with an ode:

Ode to music
Oh music
Only you hear me
Only with you I can travel for the sensitive world
You are the door of our souls
Which help me when I feel
Hate or when I feel love
Your instrument reflect a trajectories and a life
You give life to the life
Someday our worlds it will meet
And everything that you done
 Everything I ever wanted
Will be real.

Friday 5 May 2017

The technology will control and destroy us! but we enjoy this C:

Hello everyone, again, in this blog I will talk about, “the technology”

My favorite device is my notebook and mainly all have the internet because I search all I want in it, as music,table tennis matches and  information that I need for the study 
Its brand is an Ideapad 500-15ISK Lenovo, my mother gives me like a gift one birthday ago

It´s beautiful and easy to use. The only bad thing is very delicate, it brokes easily
, for disgrace, my old notebook fell very hard on the ground, and broke down

I go immediately to the Technical service, and they to offer me the incredible option, change my notebook for a new.

Is for this that I have a notebook. I´m so happy with my notebook, I hope that don’t broke down again.

Friday 28 April 2017

Till the roof comes off, till the lights go out Till my legs give out, Till my bone collapse

Hi again, in this blog I talk about me, it´s so funny!

My dream jobs when I was a child? I would want became in military, 

my uncle was military and always he was inviting me to military school, in where I play with other kids and learnt of his world and profession

My other career options that I had at the moment of applying to university was engineering in Biomedicine

I decide in the end chemistry and pharmacy, was my first option and for the moment I like it.
My experience at university until now is positive, because I’m so interesting for the subject. Also I feel so comfortable in this place, for the people and the teacher.

The kind of job I would like to have is the point of view of marketing in the world of the pharmacy, I want to apply my knowledge and sell a kind of things.

who I am? I don´t know but in this blog I will be trying it.

Hi, this blog is for explain my self, so, let´s go!  my name is Ivan, and my last name is Perez but I’m well know with Ivy , I’m twenty years old and I was born in Linares 1st on October , 1996. I arrived to Santiago when I had five years old, I complete my primary and secondary and Boston College and now study chemistry and pharmacy in university of Chile.

My principal interest and hobbies are the sports, I practice climb in "Cajón del maipo" when I have a time the weekends frequently.  

Also practice table tennis, this is my favorite sport.

 Other side of me is my love for the philosophy. I have never liked to read but when I read my first book the Nietzsche all changed. Also read about nutrition and investigations of science. 

My favorite kind of music is the jazz but also hear power metal

I hear to irakere explotion or snarky puppy and my favorite band is helloween.

I don´t like the movies because I like more read, although sometimes I go to the cinema with my girlfriend or my friends..

I like the food, always I have time and money I go to the restaurant around Santiago for taste dishes that sell for there. I really like Chilean and Chinese food.

Thanks for read this!