Thursday 6 July 2017

The last blog

Hi everyone and good bye, this is my last blog and today i am going to talk about my experience with the blogs also I will comment about as felt and what i would like to do in the future in the blogs. I hope you like

well... when I started with this i believed that would be  bored and weird but while passed the blogs, it seemed entertainented, because I with these could know to the classmates, about his styles of life about his lifes outside the career and mainly , outside the university, in his "natural habitad"

I feel that my writting skills have developed to much, I have learnt a lot of words and sentences, also i feel that is like facebook, like a "what do you think about this", in a way very subjetive and didactic of learn.

in the future i would like to writte about contingency themes, about the presidencial candidates or about the football selection or anything that happen in our contry, in this way we could keep informated while learn english.

The blogs are funny and i would like to continue with these, it`s something new and entertainmented, hopefully that the blogs continue in english 4.

1 comment:

  1. At the beginning I thought it was going to be a bit boring, but I had more fun than I expected
