Friday 28 April 2017

Till the roof comes off, till the lights go out Till my legs give out, Till my bone collapse

Hi again, in this blog I talk about me, it´s so funny!

My dream jobs when I was a child? I would want became in military, 

my uncle was military and always he was inviting me to military school, in where I play with other kids and learnt of his world and profession

My other career options that I had at the moment of applying to university was engineering in Biomedicine

I decide in the end chemistry and pharmacy, was my first option and for the moment I like it.
My experience at university until now is positive, because I’m so interesting for the subject. Also I feel so comfortable in this place, for the people and the teacher.

The kind of job I would like to have is the point of view of marketing in the world of the pharmacy, I want to apply my knowledge and sell a kind of things.


  1. I wanted be war pilot, the armed forces is very cool!

  2. You decided good, pharmacy is the best! haha

  3. A military! wow
    Well happy you decided to study here
