Saturday 17 June 2017

The father of the modern medicine

Today I’m going to talk about Alexander Fleming
Alexander Fleming was born on August 6, 1881 in Lochfield, Great Britain and Died in London on March 11, 1955.He was an important person in the world of health sciences, Fleming's professional career was devoted to researching the human body's defenses against bacterial infections. Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin and his effect as antibiotic. Comes from a fungus later identified as the "Penicillium notatum".
 He with other scientist (called chain and florey) shared the Nobel award for his discovered.

He likes me because for his discovered, it was an important change in the world, mainly in the Second World War, because it saved a lot of lifes.
A lot of wounded military were helped thanks to him.
Since then it has been used with great effectiveness in the treatment against a lot of infectious germs, in this sense, it has been extremely useful to combat diseases like gonorrhea and syphilis.  

It is the beginning of all antibiotics!, the father of modern medicine.


  1. MMmm he looks so Interesting, I will search him, RIGHT NOW

  2. I did not know that much about him, thank you for the info!

  3. Wooow! it's great, I would like to discover something like a medicine
