Friday 5 May 2017

The technology will control and destroy us! but we enjoy this C:

Hello everyone, again, in this blog I will talk about, “the technology”

My favorite device is my notebook and mainly all have the internet because I search all I want in it, as music,table tennis matches and  information that I need for the study 
Its brand is an Ideapad 500-15ISK Lenovo, my mother gives me like a gift one birthday ago

It´s beautiful and easy to use. The only bad thing is very delicate, it brokes easily
, for disgrace, my old notebook fell very hard on the ground, and broke down

I go immediately to the Technical service, and they to offer me the incredible option, change my notebook for a new.

Is for this that I have a notebook. I´m so happy with my notebook, I hope that don’t broke down again.


  1. You must be more careful

  2. I broke up me notebook and never come back :'c hahaha so be careful

  3. Lucky you that they gave you a new one. You are a lucky man because you got it as a birthday present
