Saturday 14 October 2017

you already know, everything change and all we call good, soon it will destroy our lifes.

Hi today i am going to talk about the drugs of abuse, both in my family as in general aspects.

A member of my family has been submitted to a tratament of anxiety and depression, and everyday consumes pills, anxiolytics as the diazepan clonazepan. I feel that this to long-term could to do very bad, if we talk about drugs, in my point of view,
to abused the pills could be fatal, because has a lot of contraindicatios that could bring other ills,  and the worst is that the society believe that they going to the right way and this scare me,

In the country could had a lor of things that in future years it will be call drugs or cancerin agents, as smoke, I remmeber when I read a articule about the cigarrete, I was shocked when readed that was utilized  for relax, sometimes it is recommende by the doctors, but this only because they don´t knew weel its efects in the human body, I hope that this don´t pass with the gamma of medicaments.

if we talk about drugs and its efects I would like related how a simple pill of anxiety( and its wrong used, as on all drugs actually) can bring the same problems that the marihuana or alcohol.

in my near family my mother has a addicion to cola drink, she drinks everday, all day, because she has a disease callled "anxiety generalizaded",on the other hand, in my house nobody smoke,and me neither,

there is many dangers in the used of the drugs, but everythings are dangerous  if fall in the wrong hands, this addiction sometimes finished with the kids, with their future.

we already know that are very addictives maybe  because produce a sensation very comfortable( as the heroin) and then you real life seems a real shit, or simply for find a little of entertainment.

if you consume alcohol, for example you will feel very silliness and with slurred speech, sometimes with blurred vision, you can to do a lot of things very interesting because are new sensations, but if you do with frecuency, could become to alcoholic and that is very dangerous.
but for share and entretainment with your friends could be nicely, but always carefuly.

Image result for aspartame

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