Sunday 1 October 2017

I dont really know

I'm 21 and I feel too young for choosing a job, but too old for not choosing. I'm not sure of anything right now but I know that I always liked helping people, searching and discovering new things, or just pretending that I'm doing it...

I imagine myself being a teacher and research scientist, I always liked the teaching and shareing the knowledge with others, showing them how easy and beautiful science is.
And I would love being a scientist and do some research about medical conditions, maybe find the cure for degenerative diseases like huntington or ELA, I'm such a dreamer haha.

I would like working for a big pharmaceutical laboratory and deliver some medicines for TB to the African and Asian continent for free, because in this continents dies about 1,5 millions of people just for the reason that they can't pay for the treatment.
So, yes, I would love travel around the world, I would hate stay in just one place for all my life.

I like working as indoor as outdoor, I believe that both have advantages and disadvantages.

I don't care about the money, i just wanna live well, eat well and to have the enough money for being helpful for the society.

Image result for pastillas
I love the chemistry but I love the biology too, and medicine of course... so, I think that I would like to do a magister in genetic in this university, because it's so interesting for me how a gen can change everything, causing diseases, altering the phenotype and, even, killing someone after a while living with some medical disorder.

Maybe tomorrow I will change my mind of all that I want right now, maybe I will give up with all this "dreams" and aspirations, and even maybe, I will be successful, who really knows?

1 comment:

  1. We're still very young to decide for a specific job, we still have to decide an area to work.
