Wednesday 25 October 2017

my summer holidays

Image result for torres del paine

Hello en welcome to Ivan’s blog, in this blog I would like to talk about my summer holidays, the places that I want to visit, the things that I want to buy etc… I hope that you enjoy my blog.
This summer I had thought to go to “Paine towers” with my girlfriend and our friends, Since March that we are preparing it and we already have everythings ready, or that seems haha, but this will not be the first that I do, because then this year I need arrived to my home and sleep for 4 days, maybe one week, perhaps read some books share with my family, among other things. Then, when I recuperate all my energies, go out, go out and discovered new places, look at new sport, maybe a new hobby, and mainly find me with myself. Also I would like to visit Chile and search for all the member of my family in Chile, always there is someone that you don´t know, and is of your blood!  I would like a “mochileo” and rest in their houses (the house of my unknown family).also I would like visit some country but I feel that Chile has a lot of things for discover…
If I could to change something it would be visit my family, but sound most reasonable simply to go to the paine towers haha. I already buy the tickets so… there´s nothing that I can to do now, just go and enjoy my summer holidays.

Saturday 14 October 2017

you already know, everything change and all we call good, soon it will destroy our lifes.

Hi today i am going to talk about the drugs of abuse, both in my family as in general aspects.

A member of my family has been submitted to a tratament of anxiety and depression, and everyday consumes pills, anxiolytics as the diazepan clonazepan. I feel that this to long-term could to do very bad, if we talk about drugs, in my point of view,
to abused the pills could be fatal, because has a lot of contraindicatios that could bring other ills,  and the worst is that the society believe that they going to the right way and this scare me,

In the country could had a lor of things that in future years it will be call drugs or cancerin agents, as smoke, I remmeber when I read a articule about the cigarrete, I was shocked when readed that was utilized  for relax, sometimes it is recommende by the doctors, but this only because they don´t knew weel its efects in the human body, I hope that this don´t pass with the gamma of medicaments.

if we talk about drugs and its efects I would like related how a simple pill of anxiety( and its wrong used, as on all drugs actually) can bring the same problems that the marihuana or alcohol.

in my near family my mother has a addicion to cola drink, she drinks everday, all day, because she has a disease callled "anxiety generalizaded",on the other hand, in my house nobody smoke,and me neither,

there is many dangers in the used of the drugs, but everythings are dangerous  if fall in the wrong hands, this addiction sometimes finished with the kids, with their future.

we already know that are very addictives maybe  because produce a sensation very comfortable( as the heroin) and then you real life seems a real shit, or simply for find a little of entertainment.

if you consume alcohol, for example you will feel very silliness and with slurred speech, sometimes with blurred vision, you can to do a lot of things very interesting because are new sensations, but if you do with frecuency, could become to alcoholic and that is very dangerous.
but for share and entretainment with your friends could be nicely, but always carefuly.

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Wednesday 4 October 2017

my post-grade someone knows that will pass with our lives?

Hello, today I will talk about something, that it will happen in 5 years or more, but an very important theme I talk about the post-grade studies! are very interesting for me and I would like to share that I think about of this with you,

Well, if I want a doctor's degree, my answer is Yes because, in my point of view, a real professional is that that is capacited on investigation and that they can resolved the problems that present to them, any problem.

I want to study a lot of subjects, for example "advanced molecular pharmacology" that sound very nice, and it seems like a degree about to discovered things that could be a help to the world.

I want to discover something that can help the country advanceding in the scientist world, I think that the main proposal of the human is contribute to the world of someway, and if I like the science, can help while I do that I like, and this is my motivation to continue my studies after my pre-grade.

If we talk about where I could study my doctor's degree, I will tell you without doubt, in Unites States of America, because it's the business world, where I could do a lot of things.

we already know, if I have a job,I am could to study without worrying about the money (obviously I want to be comfortable living but always thinking first and foremost). something productive with this capital.
I would like to study in a part time course, acquire experience about my career in different industries, acquire empiric knowledge and become a full professional.

Image result for doctorado

Sunday 1 October 2017

I dont really know

I'm 21 and I feel too young for choosing a job, but too old for not choosing. I'm not sure of anything right now but I know that I always liked helping people, searching and discovering new things, or just pretending that I'm doing it...

I imagine myself being a teacher and research scientist, I always liked the teaching and shareing the knowledge with others, showing them how easy and beautiful science is.
And I would love being a scientist and do some research about medical conditions, maybe find the cure for degenerative diseases like huntington or ELA, I'm such a dreamer haha.

I would like working for a big pharmaceutical laboratory and deliver some medicines for TB to the African and Asian continent for free, because in this continents dies about 1,5 millions of people just for the reason that they can't pay for the treatment.
So, yes, I would love travel around the world, I would hate stay in just one place for all my life.

I like working as indoor as outdoor, I believe that both have advantages and disadvantages.

I don't care about the money, i just wanna live well, eat well and to have the enough money for being helpful for the society.

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I love the chemistry but I love the biology too, and medicine of course... so, I think that I would like to do a magister in genetic in this university, because it's so interesting for me how a gen can change everything, causing diseases, altering the phenotype and, even, killing someone after a while living with some medical disorder.

Maybe tomorrow I will change my mind of all that I want right now, maybe I will give up with all this "dreams" and aspirations, and even maybe, I will be successful, who really knows?