Friday 26 May 2017

my favorite book/movie

Today I talk about my favorite movie, in spide of that I don´t like the movies hahah

Well… my favorite movie is “the perfume” because it´s book it´s wonderful the same that the movie, and unlike other movies, it if looks like myself imagine the book when I read it.

Is a dramatic film directed by Tom Tykwer and released in 2006. The drama is based on the novel by the same name by Patrick Süskind.  His genre is completely drama and suspense!

The movie is about an assassin, he has an obsession the protagonist for the smell of the people, everything’s about the woman smells that is why  he kill everybody that have a “especial essence”

Friday 19 May 2017

The picture!

Hello everyone, welcome to my blog
Today I am going to talk about my favorite picture

                                                           Which is this!

 This is my favorite picture because it shows to my friends and me in the last summer, when we went to “la serena” and went through around all province, was wonderful to be with them and that did it.
Was the best vacations for me, first rent the house in “tongoy” for 1 week, and then went to “la serena” and get inside the casino, then went to “Tulahuen” (a town to 20 km of Argentina), to camp for 3 days for play “to survive”, but we can´t do it, only 2 days hahaha, then when come back to our homes we were so tired, but with much happiness, because were the best vacations of summer in my life

                                                  Matias as "matimatito"
esperanza as "raven"
juan as "juanpolilla"
catalina as "gabriela mistral"
carla as"CSM"
and I as" ivy"

 I don’t know, I don’t remember who took it, but I know that was an important person for me, maybe a tourist or an X guy or someone else haha.

Friday 12 May 2017

ode to music

Hi again! Today I am going to talk about the music
For my the music is a wonderful way to show your emotions and the core of yourself
I hear everyday music for try to feel that the author put in words,
Always will have a song for you, a song that connect yourself with the around or otherwise, that you forget it
I don´t have a style definite or a kind of music, because each composer live and feel different,
And I believe that it´s is most important, read into the author, more that the song.
I will finish with an ode:

Ode to music
Oh music
Only you hear me
Only with you I can travel for the sensitive world
You are the door of our souls
Which help me when I feel
Hate or when I feel love
Your instrument reflect a trajectories and a life
You give life to the life
Someday our worlds it will meet
And everything that you done
 Everything I ever wanted
Will be real.

Friday 5 May 2017

The technology will control and destroy us! but we enjoy this C:

Hello everyone, again, in this blog I will talk about, “the technology”

My favorite device is my notebook and mainly all have the internet because I search all I want in it, as music,table tennis matches and  information that I need for the study 
Its brand is an Ideapad 500-15ISK Lenovo, my mother gives me like a gift one birthday ago

It´s beautiful and easy to use. The only bad thing is very delicate, it brokes easily
, for disgrace, my old notebook fell very hard on the ground, and broke down

I go immediately to the Technical service, and they to offer me the incredible option, change my notebook for a new.

Is for this that I have a notebook. I´m so happy with my notebook, I hope that don’t broke down again.