Wednesday 8 November 2017

The English

Hello my friends and welcome to Ivan’s blog today I am going to talk about my experience learn English at university, how I learn in my house and other places,

Well… for me has been nice, in the classroom, i learn new words, new phrases and improve my pronunciation, is like a seminary in where I can, mainly, answer my questions
Another important point is the use of blogs, I think that it so important, and helps us a lot for improving fluency and our creativity. Is a wonderful way to improve English with themes that are chosen for voting, that means that probably it likes us (but not always haha).

I remember that at the school I hated English because my teacher was very bored (of our existing, or I think that)… but when I went out of the school I begin to search some documents, but everything was in Spanish!, so I said, English come here! And in this moment I started my learning. (or in other words, in this moment the English call my attention)

I think that my principal weakness is talking and learn more words,  I do this in “duo lingo” an application very interesting for learning English when you are in anywhere with your phone. I also try to practice English with my best friend, with him I talk and comment our day in English, I feel that helps us a lot because we try to keep our conversation the best we can.

Another point is the types of English, I grew up with the English of the United States or the UK because are the most known, but if we talk about the English I can’t think in Scottish because is phrases are so different to English of UK or United States.

Here I let an example:

"Haud yer wheesht!"
Okay, you may need a little help with this one though. English translation is "Hold your tongue" or "Be quiet!". Strangely enough, I didn't hear this one too much. Of course, the fact that Nanas' hearing wasn't good may have been a factor there.
Image result for scottish

I saw that and said, that should be other idiom but not English hahaha.
Scotland is a country that is part of the United Kingdom and covers the northern third of the island of Great Britain, that means… they are so close! how is happened?
I hope to learn this type of English anyway, but I feel that this will be hard to me.
This is all my friend, bye!

Thursday 2 November 2017

In my point of view... the programme study

Hello everyone and welcome to Ivan’s  blog,  today i would like to share my point of view about my career and my faculty, I will write about the changes that I could make to my study programme, some suggestions and personal opinions.

well, I am in the second semester of pharmacy career, I have 8 subjects, 7 of my career and 1 CFG, (and its name is modern physics), for the moment I feel so good, but if we talk about the workload, I would like to have more time for to do sports, but I think that it is simply because I still don´t organized me good. 
 Image result for calisthenics

One of things that i would change to my faculty is that it doesn't have a place for to do a workout calisthenic! , for my this theme is very important because we need to do sport or something that involve moving our body hahaha or for example that in anywhere, we could have a table for play table tennis, is a wonderful sport and very simply to play, (there is in the odontology faculty but I want to have one for me, for my faculty!)
 Image result for table tennis tables

If we talk about the infrastructure I think that is pretty cozy, in my point of view is enough.

The teachers and the classrooms are very good; I feel that our professors have a good teaching method. Because a understand them haha (sometimes) but always there is people that don't want to teach, hopefully that it changes.

thanks for reading, bye!