Friday 29 September 2017

my hobby

Hi again, in this blog I will be talking about my favorite hobby, so… let´s go

A hobby for me is an activity in which I can relax, let go the stress and the unhappiness, in where a human can dedicated his time in something that doesn't have to be necessarfully "useful"  it meaning that you don't need earn money with it, only care of our happyness.

when I was a child I liked ride my bicycle, and travel for the city in search the best place for rest and contemplated the landscape, but this changed when I known the uncle's hobby.
My favorite hobby turned in to climb the hills in the "cajon del maipo"  this is an amazing sport and very complete, it have everything that I can ask, beautiful views, a long travel, and much physical effort.

I began with it already 3 years ago, when my uncle invited me to the “cajón del maipo” and showed me his hobby, climb the hills, see the landscapes, discovered new places, he showed his world, and since that moment I have this hobby.

Image result for escalar
I would like in the near future travel around of chile searching for the best mountain and climb it. but for this I need first to learn how to climb longer hills without to dead trying it haha.

Tuesday 12 September 2017

Just see

Image result for eyes

hello everyone, welcome to ivan´s blog

Today i am goint to talk about my favorite organ, i know that this kind of things are so strange, but i dont have anything to do because my teacher say me, you have to this, do you hear me idiot ?

My favorite organ are the eyes, (these are organ of the visual system) they play a vital rol for the humans because are part of our senses( and for me the fisrt one among the others),because  the sight is the best ( for me) way to interpret the world and help us for to fit in the ecosystem.

 In a point of view scientist, the eyes are a system based in the light and its interpretation , our eyes traduced these lights tranform it to electric nerve impulses, that then they will arrive to the brain for to be decoded, giving us a interpreteation about the world.

Schematic diagram of the human eye en.svg
Diagram of the human eyes 

the eyes are composed mainly by water that is inside your retina called aqueous humor the iris have the color and the pupil is the entry of the light.

they are in your face, in top your nose, has a diameter approx of 2,5 mm, a common disease is the diabetes, it could do that you lose this wonderful sense.

Since I was a child that I liked to see landscapes,it  many times helped me to understand  to myself, the power os sight for apreciative the nature and our environment is something unmatched.

" the eyes are the door to our souls" becouse everytime you sense something, anything, are the eyes which shows your emotions, these emotions so deep in yourself, even if you want hide it.

Image result for eyes hd compilation  you must care their eyes, they are more fragile of that they seem it.

thanks for you watching

Thursday 7 September 2017

my best holidays!! for the moment

Hi today i`m going to talk about my holidays, my best holydays

they were the summer 2016/17, with my best friends, we went to Tongoy, la serena, also went to the "Tulahuen" a town that is very near to the argentina, was a exotic experience, I knew a lot of places, a lot of people, went to casinos, rented a house, also we camped, they went the best because were a very complete holidays,
Image result for tulahuenit was a oasis inside the desert mountains

when we went to tongoy rented a house close to the beach for a week, then, when we went to " La serena", we walk out  for to know every place of there, every bar, every beach, etc
then,we said, we should to do somethings more... hard but like what?
and a friend called joaquin said us, go to the tulahuen, a town almost in the mountain that is near to the argentina..

here, desert mountains 

we take a bus and we arrived but we wanted more far, we search for a person that can help us, a town person that had a car and understand our idea, "let us so far away as you can" we said.

we camped during three days but these was etern, haha well, wonderful holidays. every moment was a dare to our customs, all was different and challenging.

I hope the next vacations are better!